Monday, April 19, 2010


We were finally able to explore Sohoton Cave in Basey, Samar. We have been planning this trip like forever. I was surprised that Basey is only 30 minutes away from Tacloban and the road going there is smooth.

Upon arrival in Basey, we registered with the Tourism Office and paid a total of 2,359.00 pesos for the Sohoton Cave tour. The fee includes a tour guide, hard hats, two lamps, pump boat good for 7 pax, cave entrance fee (8 pesos for locals, 5 pesos for children and 100 pesos for foreigners), river cruise fee.

The river cruise was very relaxing and refreshing. It is similar to the Bohol river cruise but without the buffet and singing. The cruise took about an hour and 30 minutes. The only negative point was the absence of life vests for the passengers.

The breathtaking sights along the river.

Sohoton Cave.
The awesome Sohoton cave is composed of three chambers: main, left and right or if we'll have it our way, an additional PG-13 chamber, lol. The tour was relatively short and fun. We had the most fun with the natural musical instruments, that is, if you lightly tap the stalacite it will produce an organ-like sound/tone. The images creaeted by the stalagmites and stalacites were simply amazing like we saw a giant eagle's feet and head (atenista cguro ang Sohoton, lol), holy family, predators (aliens the movie), human sexual organs. Too bad, our camera went low batt and had to use my trusty N79, which unfortunately could not capture well the sights inside the dark cave.

1. Bring flashlights, the lamps of the guide and his assistant are not powerful enough to show the beauty of the cave.
2. Bring swimming clothes. The river is clean and the long humid river cruise will entice you to take a dip. Likewise, you can't avoid getting soaked if you'll go kayaking (300pesos/unlimited).
3. Bring baon for lunch or snacks. There are picnic tables outside the cave large enough for 15 pax.
4. Tipping the tour guide and boatman is not required but we gave them anyway.
5. Bring a spirit of fun and adventure.

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