Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cute Mistake

Whenever I take photos using my phone I usually have this fear that it will slip from my hand, and crash to the cold, hard pavement. Thus, I have been maniacally looking for a cellphone hand strap for the longest time. Howver, most straps that I see are not my type: girly glittery, manly camouflage, baby pink or blue, flashy and stylish (you know, I'm manang like that). I finally found a strap to my liking (or so, I thought). It comes with a cute toy figurine (chocies: monster, pig and cat) and costs P85 for two straps. I thought it was a steal! I bought it right away without inspecting it. Big Mistake.

When I opened it, I found out that it was not a strap but only a cellphone accessory. Haay, another BaKa#^$%@! moment. Oh well, I'm just going to give it to my sis-in-law (she collects piggy items).

kawaii, noh?

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