Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Comfort Food/Drink, No More

Banana Caramel Slice.
I don't know what happened but I used to rave about this cake. I remember it to be a heavenly combination of moist, rich banana-y goodness and semi-melted smooth caramel. I always order this but noticed that the succeeding banana caramel slices failed to match the rich and delicious taste from my first purchase. My succeeding orders gradually erased my delicious and happy memory of this cake. The banana caramel I onced cherished has become bland and dry, almost stale-like.  

Chai latte.
Love, love, love drinking Chai latte. I'm not a coffee drinker so whenever i go to a cafe to use the free wifi, i prefer to order tea, specifically chai latte. So far, the best chai latte for me is Coffee Bean's. Its intoxicating aroma and creamy smooth taste always soothes my tummy and gives me comfort after a long day at work. But I guess I reached my saturation point on this one because I no longer feel its warm and comforting effect. *sigh*

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