Monday, July 5, 2010

Al Batra Restaurant and Coffee Shop

After our dinner at Min Sok, J and I decided to have coffee and dessert at Al Batra located Makati Avenue.

Just like Min Sok, J and I were the only Filipino patrons at that time. It gives you the feeling that you are in a foreign country that enhances the authentic atmosphere and taste of what we ordered.

J ordered Turkish Coffee, P65. I took a sip of this coffee and I have to agree with J that this is one of the most unique and delicious coffee we ever drank. It is flavorful like there is gudang garam taste on it. It has the initial effect of making you groggy and your eyes watery like punch-drunk but after awhile you become alert and hyper. Cool! 

By the way, the size of the cup is only slighter bigger than an espresso cup. For size comparison, I photographed it beside the small sugar container.

I ordered the Trans-Jordan Chai Tea, P90
A tea is a tea.

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