Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Christopher Nolan's Inception rocked our world. One of the best movies we have watched in our young lives. The story is unique and innovative, the cast led by my all-time favorite Leo Dicaprio and my current favorite Joseph Gordon-Levitt were all wonderful, and how it was made was really pure movie magic. No amount of words can describe how we were entralled by this movie. It's a gripping suspense that makes you think during and even after watching the movie.

We so love INCEPTION that we have to watch it twice. Actually, we watched it again so as to better understand and confirm our theories about some aspects of the movie.

PS. Since I'm having an OMG i love Joseph Gordon Levitt moment, I'm watching (500) Days of Summer now. I just find it amazing and coincidental that in this movie, it touches on the subject of architecture and dreams: JGL studied architecture and loves LA's architecture and Zooey talked about her dreams (when she invited JGL for the first in her apartment).

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