Saturday, July 3, 2010

Good-Bye Wang-Wang

Wang-wang is the sound made by blaring sirens. Here in the Philippines, sirens are used not only by those authorized by PD 96 (like the police, hospital ambulance, the President, Vice-President, Senate President, House Speaker and Supreme Court Justice) but also by private vehicles. Crazy huh? welcome to our world of abusive, disrespectful and power-tripping people.

I always believed that one of the reasons why the Philippines is caught in a rut is because the people lack discipline. This lack of discipline is evident in how we behave in the road. We just do not respect simple traffic rules from respecting/using the pedestrian lanes, illegal counter-flows especially during traffic jams to the arrogant use of wang-wangs, and I can just go on and on about the numerous traffic violations we commit day in and day out. Trust me I know, I commute everyday. For me, this kind of lack of discipline breeds selfishness, incompetence,  and corruption. If we can't follow such a basic rule, how much for other bigger rules or laws? Thus, how can we have progress if we lack discipline?

Anyways, thank God for our new president, President Benigno Simeon Aquino III for taking this small step towards discipline and semblance of sanity in our roads. President Aquino has ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to enforce the law against unauthorized use of wang-wangs. Good news, right? Here's a greater news: the President himself refuses to use sirens even if he is authorized so as to make a good example for everyone. Plus, he sees to it that he follows the traffic rules like stopping at red lights. He does not mind being caught in traffic. Thus, making good his promise during his inaugural speech. Woohoo!

I did not support President Aquino during the elections but for this directive, I'll admit that I am impressed. I salute you. Keep up the good work!

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