Friday, July 9, 2010


I grew up eating cinnamon rolls because it was the specialty of the neighborhood bakery.  It  was crisp on the outside and soft inside, with nuts and raisins here and there. But I was not a big fan, maybe because I had it as my school baon almost everyday or I found it too sweet.

Thus, when Cinnabon came to the Philippines, I was not interested in trying it. The rare times that i ate cinnabon was when it was given for free or i had no choice but to go with the majority decision to eat there.  At that time, I found the cinnabon too sweet and pricey.

I think I have only eaten a cinnabon  for four times and the fourth time was last Wednesday. I decided to eat one because it was the nearest food stall where I was seated in the mall food court. Weird, I actually liked what I ate, cinnabon stix4 an mini chocobon. I don't know what changed, did I mature in terms of taste or was I just too hungry? This time around, the mini chocobon's sweetness was just right for my taste and the stix was a nice surprise. But I still find it pricey : )

What I ordered:
Cinnabon Stix4
Mini Chocobon for J.
Cinnabon's promo, P180. Free Iced Tea, if you order two hot rolls.  

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