Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Snak Time

I had my first taste of kwek-kwek yesterday at the building cafeteria. I usually see kwek-kwek being sold at the streets. I was always curious what it was, what it tastes like and what's inside the golden-orangey coating of that oval-shaped popular streeetfood.

Apparently, kwek-kwek is just hard-boiled egg deep-fried in this orange batter. It is best eaten when dipped in vinegar. In fairness, it was not that bad as I have imagined it to be.

Kwek-kwek, P12

What's inside. I really thought kwek-kwek is a day-old chick.

Champorado, P25. My all-time favorite comfort food during rainy days. My hunger was not satisfied by the kwek-kwek, so I ordered champorado. I don't know why but whenever I see champorado, I usually have the compulsion to buy and eat it.

Champorado topped with evaporated milk.

My sweet chocolate sticky rice porridge ready to be devoured.

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