Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tai Hao Le!

J and I attended the special performance of the China-Guangdong Art Troupe at the Cuneta Astrodome. The performance was in celebration of the Philippine-China Friendship Day.

All performances were amazing and outstanding. J and I couldn't stop gasping and clapping in every breathtaking performance especially the acrobatics part. The acrobatics were simply awesome. The performers were so agile, graceful and flexible. Their extraordinary feat of balance and swift movements is like an art in motion.

I took a lot of photos using my N79 but all of them came out blurred.

We were seated three rows away from the stage. Cool! Actually, we got the seats because we went there kind of early,  so early that we caught the rehearsal of one of the performances.

All-female acrobats performing extraordinary feats of balance and strength.

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