Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

J and I celebrated Father's Day at Shinjuku Ramen House.

If my dad were still alive, he would be definitely happy to celebrate Father's day here. Shinjuku was one of the few restaurants that my dad appreciated in our neighborhood. He loves to eat sashimi too.

Tuna Sashimi, P300. The tuna was fresh and delicious. J and I were enticed to order this because when we watched Iron Chef last night, one of the contestants made a red bell pepper sashimi that looked like a tuna sashimi.

Katsudon, P390. I was not happy with this dish. I found the meat tough thus difficult to chew. Worse, it was a little bit pricey considering that it was not delicious.

I told J that I must wash away the unpleasant memory of the katsudon by having a wonderful dessert. Thus, we walked farther down the road to look for a dessert place. The only restaurant that was open and offered a decent dessert was Pancake House.

Chocolate Milkshake, P114. This was a pleasant surprise. It has a thick, creamlicious, chocolatey goodness and  cheap too. Great way to cool you down.

Mango crepe with ice cream, P140 (more or less). Pwede na dessert. I like the fact that it had a "generous serving of walnuts", and the mango was sweet.

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