Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dylan's Candy Bar NY

At Dylan's Candy Bar,
you don't have to go far
All things sugary and sweet
is here, what a happy treat!

R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T: PHILIPPINES. Too bad that in the Asia section of the store, there were no candies from the Philippines. I hope in the future Dylan's will have chocnut, pastillas, cocobar, tira-tira, etc.

Cute candy/chocolate wrappers
I need this!
Eating chocolate candies is dangerous to your girth, so ladies, use the proper control.
If it's sour, it's toxic for me 
The zexiext candy on the shelf
Take a bite at The Big Apple
Passport to chocolate bliss. The coolest wrapper on the shelf.

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