B: We have no food for lunch. I don't want to cook. Let's eat out
J: I'm too lazy to go out and I haven't finished cleaning the house
B suddenly feels a tinge of guilt and decides to order take out food.
B: Hey J, what do you want?
J: I don't know, up to you. Actually, I'm too tired to feel any hunger
B: Same here. I'm not craving anything in particular.
J: North Park?
B: Korean?
J&B: nah
B: pizza na lang
Viola! Shakey's Pizza to go.

Mojo Potatoes with mismatched amount of dip. More dip! more dip! more dip!
Crispy brown chicken with mojos again. I would have been to have more mojos but since I was not feeling that matakaw (glutotonous) and I was making tipid that day (stingy), I felt bad that the server did not inform that the chicken I ordered already came with mojos. Had I known this, I would not have ordered the box of mojos.

Crisp Thin-crust pizza. the yum.
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