Monday, May 3, 2010

A cloud on our happy Sunday

J and I thoroughly enjoyed our Sunday, almost. There were two developments that caused us, particularly me (I'm such a worry-rat) to worry.

First, the NY car bomb attempt in Times Square, in front of The Lion King theater. The details are sketchy, thankfully, it did not explode. The area was immediately locked-down. 

Tsk, what a lousy timing! salamat ha, kung sinu ka mang asungot. I just pray that this would be the last "terror" attempt. I hope that they do not lock down the area when we are there because we have tickets to The Lion King on 4 May. I also hope that our NY trip will not be affected (unnecessary harassment from TSA, locked-down tourist areas). I hope everyone is/will be safe in NY and the whole world (why can't we all be friends?)

Second, my sister called me up late in the evening to inform me that she will undergo a minor surgery on her nose. Her nose got infected by a pimple and the infected  pimples tripled in a matter of few hours. The infection looked serious and made her nose red, and bloated. If the infection will not be taken out there was a danger that it could go up to her brain. Thus, she had to undergo the procedure asap. I was worried because a surgery, no matter how minor, will involve anesthesia, and God knows what will happen when you are given one. Thank God that she was under capable hands, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. Saludo kami sa inyo Doc(s)! I pray that the pimple and infection will not return.

Thank you Lord for making everyone safe.

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