Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Musings on the hunt

With the volumes of information on a variety of topics from the mundane to the esoteric found in the net, i find it strange that there is a dearth of information regarding "reviews" on real estate by home owners/ lessees. For example, it would be very helpful if the following information are available:

1. Specific locations are prone to flood when it rains.
2. The condo unit sizes are way too small or have large cuts.
3. Association dues are expensive/cheap.
4. Good garbage collection service.

For now, what i have are PR works by the real estate agents.

House Hunting

J and I decided that maybe it is time to move out since we feel that our road will always be the subject of DPWH and MWSS's "experiment". Thus, the hunt began.

Thought Process:

1.Do we a) still rent or b) is it time to buy?

A. Rent

1. Where?
-Makati (we love living in Makati especially where we currently reside despite the noise, neighbors, and parking limitations).
-somewhere in Paranaque
-Manila so that it will near our offices

2. What type of dwelling?

-Condominuim but the minimum area should be at least 50sqm., with parking
-Apartment with parking and in a good neighborhood
-single-detached house

B. Buy

1. Where?
I've been surfing the net and I've come to a conclusion that we can't afford to buy a house&lot or even a condo here in Makati. Thus, it would be a Manila condo or a house&lot/townhouse somewhere in Paranaque.

Road Overkill

J and I live somewhere in Makati where the roads are always under "repair", "maintenance" or "construction" either by DPWH or MWSS. Imagine, they do it almost every other year. Whhyyyyy?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


At last, i remembered what my password to this blog is.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Club Noah Isabelle, here we come. I'm really excited. Sun, sand, and the beach. The best thing about it is that it's for free. Ahh... this is the life.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Good food. large servings.

At last!

after a year of preparations, tears, and petty quarrels, we are married at last.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thought for the day

A rolling stone gathers no moss
"It is often credited to the Sententiae of Publilius Syrus, and roughly translates as
People always moving, with no roots in one place, avoid responsibilities and cares." (from wikipedia)
Now that I am going to start a new life with "J" and a new career, I am a rolling stone no more.

Up Down

These past few days have been full of ups and downs:

1. Up: I had the best milkshake (so far) at Filling Station, Burgos St., Makati. It was thick, creamy and sinfully delicious (and expensive).
Down: I experienced my worst lactose-intolerance attack due to the milkshake. My tummy ached for three straight days, and i vomitted for two straight days.

2. Up: My friends treated "J" and me to a bachelor and bachelorette party at the Enchanted Kingdom. It was really fun, fun, fun. It was better than having a stripper (for a shower party).

Down: I was having menstrual cramps.

3. Up: Our ride "prime" is back from the autoshop. He is now in good working condition.

Down: Prime is no longer a musso mercedes benz but is now a mussobishi (wink wink)

4. Up: I just got a great job offer.
Down: I heard from a friend that our wedding day is not going to be declared a non-working holiday.

5. Up: We'll have enough time for our honeymoon before i start my new work.
Down: I will be out of the country for two months right after our honeymoon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Vain Pain

Last week, i had my third and supposed to be final gown fitting. I was shocked to see that my gown became too tight for comfort. Perhaps, they had my measurements wrong or i gained weight at the wrong places, specifically at the puson area. I cannot possiblly afford to look like a suman on my Big Day! (Note: i'm not that vain, but the Big Day comes only once in a lifetime so i might as well look fab)

Thus, I decided to enroll at a nearby gym even if it is not part of my budget. My main goal would be to look "toned" , and it would be a bounus if I can lessen the bulge or tighten the muscles at the puson area. For my first two visits, I availed of the free personal trainer sessions. Tuesday, my personal trainer, is nice and lenient. She always accedes to my requests like she does not push me so hard because she can see that i'm dying while the weights (exagg), i always asks for several timeouts and for lighter weights, etc. Of course, i know i'm cheating myself. But what i can do, this is a complete turnaround from my usual routine. I've never been athletic and always maintained a sedentary lifestyle. Right now, my entire body is in pain. But they say that if i do this regularly (Good Lord help me) my body would get used to it. So, on with the program, no pain no gain!

Anyways, i hope i can do better in my next visit and take up the challenge, not for vanity sake but for the reason that i enrolled for a 12month membership, sayang naman ang pera. It would be a real pain to see my money down the drain.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Heath Ledger is dead.

Monday, January 21, 2008


8:30 p.m. I was preparing for a Saturday night dinner and movie with "J" and "A" when my sister called me up asking for legal advice. My sister was visiting her friend "G" in Caloocan City. While they were hanging out, a friend ("B"- 18 yrs. old but who looks like 15) of a G's househelp came rushing in tears saying that her neighbor, Lolo Landlord, (the landlord of B's amo) attempted to rape her. My sister said that they cannot report it to the barangay because Lolo Landlord's nephew is a kagawad.
I told my sister that they should report it to the police. I thought that was the end of it.
9:30 p.m. An hour later, my sister called me up again. She told me that Lolo Landlord and his drinking buddies were banging at G's door and looking for B. Out of fear, they did not open the door and told him that B was not there. Lolo Landlord and his drinking buddies kept on banging the door and shouted that B stole Lolo Landlord's gun "Ilabas nyo ang baril". The banging was so loud that I could hear it. At this time, I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I told my sister to call and ask the police to go G's house.
9:45 p.m. My sister, G's househelp and B went to the Caloocan Police Station. B gave her statement.
-B narrated that Lolo Landlord (owner of the row of aparments where B's amo live) and his friends including B's amo (Lola E) were having a drinking session that started in the morning. On or about 8pm, upon request of Lolo Landlord, Lola E asked B to join them. This was not the first time that B was asked to join the drinking session. When the drinking session ended, Lolo Landlord (who had a gun visibly tucked to his waist) asked B to accompany him to the vacant apartment unit, 2 doors away from Lola E's unit. Lola E told B "pagbigyan mo na". So B accompanied Lolo Landlord to the vacant unit, and that is where B's tale of horror started.
-When they entered the unit, Lolo Landlord forcibly kissed B. B told him "huwag po huwag po". Unperturbed by B's refusal, Lolo Landlord took B's hand and put it in his penis. B took her hand away but Lolo Landlord pointed his gun at B's head. B told him "ayoko ko na po". Lolo Landlord asked her "anong gusto mo? pwede kitang anakan, may anak ako sa labas". Lolo Landlord told B to hold the gun so that she would not feel afraid. B took the gun and went inside the bathroom. Afterwards, she left the gun in the bathroom (behind the bathroom door) and ran out of the apartment. She went to her house but the door was locked. She frantically knocked at the door but Lola E did not answer nor open the door. Instinctively and fearing for her life, B went to the house of G (4 houses down the street).
After B's narration, the police told her that Lolo Landlord's can be charged of acts of lasciviousness.
Lolo Landlord, his nephew - Kagawad, Lola E, and a lawyer - Atty. Hambog went to the police station and told the police that B stole his gun. My sister told them that the issue here is the lewd actions and abuse done by Lolo Landlord towards B. The lawyer then launched a tirade against my sister; He shouted at her and accused her of convincing B into filing charges against Lolo Landlord. When he noticed that my sister was not backing out, he threatened her that they will file charges against her for being an accomplice in the theft (bobong abogado *&%#!!). He even challenged my sister to call her lawyers pronto.
12:30 a.m. My sister called me (J and I were busy watching Sweeney Todd at GB3) to say that there's this lawyer who is harassing and threatening her. Upon hearing this, nagsirum an akon pangitaon. After the call, we bolted out of the cinema and proceeded to Caloocan City.
(to be continued...)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I'm broke.

1. Pay phone bills, landline and cellular (1/14/08) = check
2. Pay MERALCO (1/16/08 ) = check
3. Pay water bill (1/16/08) = check
4. Pay caterer 50% dp (1/10/08) = check
5. Pay photographer 50% dp (1/15/08) = check

Next week there will be more payments.


Sunday, January 13, 2008


I've been busy these past few days going to job interviews and wedding suppliers, preparing wedding stuff and watching Heroes. I think things will start to become a blur come February because of the D Day. Also, hopefully by then, i'm already employed.
Some wedding kwento:
1.We went back to the Loft to check on the wedding set-up of our caterer. I was disappointed with the way the Loft has become. The floor had some scratches ( i know, wear and tear), it was not mopped nor waxed (to think there was an event), and it looked old and small. I'm just thankful that my D Day is an evening affair because it will hide the flaws, and of course, i'm going to tell our AE about the said "problems".
2. I'm busy preparing the guest list. "J" is having a difficult time choosing whom to invite or exclude among his outer circle friends and distant relatives. As for me, I was able to accomodate all my friends and relatives because i only have a few friends and our family ties only extend up to our first cousin, mother's side.
3. "J" and I also discussed our prenup photoshoot concept. Admittedly, i was excited about the whole prenup thingy at the beginning but now i'm getting cold feet. I feel that it is corny. Oh well, wish us luck and i hope we don't get camera shy in front of the whole UP Diliman crowd.

Friday, January 11, 2008


2008 is going to be great! (repeat mantra 3x after waking up)

I've been busy since day one of '08, doing personal, business, and career stuff.

I hope that the blessings continue.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Oh 7!


1. Started the year preparing for our wedding. This experience has taught me how to bargain and negotiate for the "perfect" price; to brave the jungles of divisoria; to compromise my wedding fantasies (so as not to exceed limited budget)
2. I left my law firm for an audit firm (which turned out to be a huge mistake).
3. "J" and I, together with our respective siblings (plus my cousin) went to Puerto Princesa. We loved the beach, the sand, the underwater scene, and the food.
4. "J" and his family went to my province for the "pamamanhikan".
5. I gained new friends, "M" and "C".
6. I resigned from my new work only after 7 months.
7. Despite the lack of budget, "J" and I pushed through with our annual Asian country trip.