Monday, January 7, 2008

Oh 7!


1. Started the year preparing for our wedding. This experience has taught me how to bargain and negotiate for the "perfect" price; to brave the jungles of divisoria; to compromise my wedding fantasies (so as not to exceed limited budget)
2. I left my law firm for an audit firm (which turned out to be a huge mistake).
3. "J" and I, together with our respective siblings (plus my cousin) went to Puerto Princesa. We loved the beach, the sand, the underwater scene, and the food.
4. "J" and his family went to my province for the "pamamanhikan".
5. I gained new friends, "M" and "C".
6. I resigned from my new work only after 7 months.
7. Despite the lack of budget, "J" and I pushed through with our annual Asian country trip.

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