Monday, January 21, 2008


8:30 p.m. I was preparing for a Saturday night dinner and movie with "J" and "A" when my sister called me up asking for legal advice. My sister was visiting her friend "G" in Caloocan City. While they were hanging out, a friend ("B"- 18 yrs. old but who looks like 15) of a G's househelp came rushing in tears saying that her neighbor, Lolo Landlord, (the landlord of B's amo) attempted to rape her. My sister said that they cannot report it to the barangay because Lolo Landlord's nephew is a kagawad.
I told my sister that they should report it to the police. I thought that was the end of it.
9:30 p.m. An hour later, my sister called me up again. She told me that Lolo Landlord and his drinking buddies were banging at G's door and looking for B. Out of fear, they did not open the door and told him that B was not there. Lolo Landlord and his drinking buddies kept on banging the door and shouted that B stole Lolo Landlord's gun "Ilabas nyo ang baril". The banging was so loud that I could hear it. At this time, I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I told my sister to call and ask the police to go G's house.
9:45 p.m. My sister, G's househelp and B went to the Caloocan Police Station. B gave her statement.
-B narrated that Lolo Landlord (owner of the row of aparments where B's amo live) and his friends including B's amo (Lola E) were having a drinking session that started in the morning. On or about 8pm, upon request of Lolo Landlord, Lola E asked B to join them. This was not the first time that B was asked to join the drinking session. When the drinking session ended, Lolo Landlord (who had a gun visibly tucked to his waist) asked B to accompany him to the vacant apartment unit, 2 doors away from Lola E's unit. Lola E told B "pagbigyan mo na". So B accompanied Lolo Landlord to the vacant unit, and that is where B's tale of horror started.
-When they entered the unit, Lolo Landlord forcibly kissed B. B told him "huwag po huwag po". Unperturbed by B's refusal, Lolo Landlord took B's hand and put it in his penis. B took her hand away but Lolo Landlord pointed his gun at B's head. B told him "ayoko ko na po". Lolo Landlord asked her "anong gusto mo? pwede kitang anakan, may anak ako sa labas". Lolo Landlord told B to hold the gun so that she would not feel afraid. B took the gun and went inside the bathroom. Afterwards, she left the gun in the bathroom (behind the bathroom door) and ran out of the apartment. She went to her house but the door was locked. She frantically knocked at the door but Lola E did not answer nor open the door. Instinctively and fearing for her life, B went to the house of G (4 houses down the street).
After B's narration, the police told her that Lolo Landlord's can be charged of acts of lasciviousness.
Lolo Landlord, his nephew - Kagawad, Lola E, and a lawyer - Atty. Hambog went to the police station and told the police that B stole his gun. My sister told them that the issue here is the lewd actions and abuse done by Lolo Landlord towards B. The lawyer then launched a tirade against my sister; He shouted at her and accused her of convincing B into filing charges against Lolo Landlord. When he noticed that my sister was not backing out, he threatened her that they will file charges against her for being an accomplice in the theft (bobong abogado *&%#!!). He even challenged my sister to call her lawyers pronto.
12:30 a.m. My sister called me (J and I were busy watching Sweeney Todd at GB3) to say that there's this lawyer who is harassing and threatening her. Upon hearing this, nagsirum an akon pangitaon. After the call, we bolted out of the cinema and proceeded to Caloocan City.
(to be continued...)

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