Friday, December 14, 2007

Ipis, 25 cents, etc.

Last Wednesday, "J" and i had a bad day so make ourselves feel a little better we decided to eat out with some friends at Serendra. But when we got there, parking was full, and even Market Market's parking was also full. So we decided to go the The Fort Strip to park, and just walk to Serendra. However, I am already an "oldie" and was a bit hungry, I suggested that we just eat somewhere at the Strip. We ended up eating at a spanish restaurant. It would have been a perfect dining experience (the food was delicious and the company great), were it not for the presence of a baby ipis crawling at our table. It was really gross. Imagine, a fine dining restaurant with a roach problem. Anyways, the waiter apologized for the unwanted guest. But definitely, we will never go back to this place (aside from the fact that "J" is a loyal patron of the other spanish restaurant). Oh, aside from the ipis, there was a fly and mosquito hovering at our area.
25 cents
I went shopping at the Landmark yesterday. When i was at the payment counter, I gave the cashier Php 500 for my purchase worth PhP199.75. The cashier gave me PhP300 and 20 cents. Hmm... i really hate this "practice" of cashiers not giving the exact change, worse, if they do not inform you beforehand about it. Most cashiers would just nonchalantly give it to you, acting as if there is nothing wrong or that it is SOP. Hello! Everytime this happens to me, i'm really tempted to give a lecture but I do not want to hold the line, the pinoy in me (polite and afraid to speak up) prevents me from giving a this lecture. Although there were two instances where i reprimanded the cashier, and they gave that look and snide remark "hello, 10 cents lang eh". One cashier, after the reprimand, gave me a much larger change just to show her disgust... weird noh, sila pa galit. I know it is only an insignificant amount but times are hard, and it is a matter of fair play and honest business practices. And as if big stores such as Landmark do not earn an obscene profit every single day, so why can't they provide good customer service and do us a favor by making sure they enough 5,10, 25, cents. One other store that practices this illegal and immoral SOP is Wendy's GB1. HAAY naku.

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