Monday, December 3, 2007

Budget Trippings

In the tradition of our budget trips outside the country (actually, even local trips are on a limited budget), we bought food from the grocery to serve as our breakfast, midnight snacks, and sugar rush. We usually buy food from nearby 7-11 stores for our first day but once we are familiar with our surroundings we buy at established grocery stores because the prices are a way lot cheaper.

Anyways, for my breakfast/snacks, i bought a soy mik capuccino flavored while J bought tropicana OJ. The soy milk was sooo delicious and it made me feel full all throughout the morning. I hope that the ZenSoy brand is available here in Manila.

As for our snacks, we popped the maltesers (dark chocolate) into our mouths like peanuts. This chocolate candy is addicting that we bought many boxes for pasalubong (we heard that only the milk chocolate flavor is available here) but ended up eating almost all of it in HK.
We also bought liters of Watson's water almost everyday. We are like camels, you know.
We also make it a point to buy something that is not found here in the country. Right now I cannot remember what we bought. Hmm, maybe we considered the maltesers dark choco and ZenSoy as such.

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