Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am so upset, pissed-off, frustrated, and full of hate right now.
I called up my former office to follow-up my clearance and last pay (i've been calling them almost every week since my last day). I was shocked and distressed to hear that I am not yet cleared and will not able be able to get my last pay inspite of their earlier promise because i have not submitted/returned the following: personal computer and last Time Report. I told HR that i did those things before my last day. HR reasoned that probably their record is not updated. DUH! HR also told me that i have an accountability of 9k. WOT? HR could not explain the said charge and told me to call another department. (WTF! isn't this one of your tasks??? this office is really the epitome of inefficiency, red tape and bureaucracy). So i called up this department, and they told me that i did not return the damn pc (damn u Ms. M.C., i submitted the pc to you, you are a lazy and inefficient bitch who needs to be fired), and after explanining, they said that they will recompute.
But what really totally ruined my day was the info that i did not submit my last TR, thus, they were deducting 3 days worth of salary. I told the person that i submitted my TR thru the database and i also submitted a hardcopy to the secretary (damn u Ms. B. C., please do us a favor by resigning or retiring, you are totally useless). The person checked the database and informed that they do not have any record of my TR. Leche naman. So i told them that to look for my hard copy, but no, for reasons only known to them, they do not want to look for the submitted hard copy. They want me to produce the hard copy, juiceme, sa tagal ko ng wala sa office, di ko na mahahanap copy ko at malamang natapon ko na yon. At this point, pinapasa na nila ako regarding my missing TR. Haay, none of them was able to help me. Mga pun%&*#! tao. Fcuk, with this hitch not to mention that they will probably dillydally in resolving this, i will not get my last pay in time for the holidays. This really sucks. I really hate that gedemmit office.

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