Friday, December 7, 2007

Macau, A Second Look

"J" and i decided to go back to Macau because it was the cheapest out-of-country vacation we could afford, besides we love the weather there at this time of the year.

We stayed in a crappy 2 star hotel (i think they should be downgraded to -2 star hotel). Good thing we only stayed for one night. I wrote a review on this hotel in trip advisor so as to warn future backpackers/ fellow budget travellers.

Anyways, the food was great and the people were nice. We also had the opportunity to explore parts of Macau that we missed during our first trip, like visiting the museum. I also noticed that the number of tourists have tripled and there are many new buildings/infrastructures. Imagine, in a span of two years, Macau has rapidly grown. (Haay, kelan kaya ang Pilipinas magiging ganito?)

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