Monday, November 29, 2010


Whenever J craves for a steak dinner, he always insists that we have it at Gulliver's for its reasonable price and proximity to our home. But I always resist because i don't like the dark lighting of the restaurant, I don't like walking in that part of Makati Av. and I am not that loco with their steak. I only love their corn pudding.

But last week I finally said yes because I misunderstoond J's invitation when he said Great Eastern. My brain processed it as Hossein's. Oh well.

Gulliver's was as usual dark but the mood was livened up by the Christmas decors and the live piano playing. Everything was lovely that night.

We ordered the following:


Our orders came with corn pudding, vegetables and potatoes. This time I enyoyed the steak that we ordered. It was thick, juicy and delicious. As for the salmon, it was fresh and the sauce added to the overall delightfulness of the meal.

For this wonderful dinner, I am now willing to eat at Gulliver's anytime J wants a steak. 

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